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Momo Horror Story Game

Game Description

  • Name:Momo Horror Story
  • Language:English
  • Description:Momo is a horror game based on the history of the message user "momo". In the game, you will be a guy that contacts momo by message, and now he will be pursued by the monster of momo. Du bist ganz alleine in deinem Haus und fängst an mit einer fremden Person zu reden. Sofort merkst du, dass die Intentionen dieser Person böse und gefährlich sind. Aber die Gefahr hat sich bereits in deinem eigenen Haus eingenistet und beobachtet dich aus den dunklen Ecken. Dir fällt auf, dass diese seltsame Person dir näher ist als du dachtest. Nachdem du die Polizei gerufen hast, muss du versuchen vor dem grausamen Killer in deinem Haus zu entkommen bis sie eintreffen.Momo Horror Story is the first game that we are delighted to be sharing with all of you right now and here in the newly-created category of Momo Games online, this interesting new page of horror games based on the Japanese doll that has taken over the world last year and had become quite a meme. Because her origins are rooted in horror, of course, there would be horror survival games based on it, so right now we are very happy to be sharing this one with you since we have found to have had a great time with it ourselves! Have no worries at all, since we will now be giving you more information on how the game works, so we are positive that there will be no problems for you in playing it! You are going to be placed in a haunted house, and it is there that you have to walk around and make sure that Momo does not catch and kill you, but instead, you grab any weapons you can find and use them to take her out. Keep advancing and killing Momo whenever she appears and tries to scare you, and make sure that you reach the end of the story, unharmed, and hopefully without having gotten too scared of the monster. How do you navigate the world? Don't worry, since we explain right now! You move around using the w, a, s, d keys, look around with the mouse, attack by pressing its left button, activate a flashlight or aim with the right one, and use its wheel to change weapons. If you have a grenade and want to use it, press G, reload the ammunition with R, run with the shift, press CTRL to crouch, jump by pressing space, and interact with items around you with the F key. Momo Horror Story is a free online game for an interesting pastime for gamers who like horror games. Play mini flash games and have a lot of fun!